VIDEO – Another week in the life of Ben Nevis

Check out our HD Timelapse of Ben Nevis, Fort William and Loch Linnhe from March 2012. It shows a week in the life of Ben Nevis during a spell of some of the best weather we’ve had this year. Look out for the fastest tractor in the world making short work of ploughing the field! You can see the live Ben Nevis HD Webcam here
Spring = Sun, Sea, Sand, Stars… and Snow?!

Spring in Lochaber kicked off last week with perfect BBQ weather, road trips down to the Morar beach in Arisaig, and stargazing atop Cow Hill overlooking Lochaber. It’s no mystery that it’s been a rather short winter, something that some may mourn and others may rejoice. You wouldn’t guess it now, however, with that light snow dusting atop Nevis Range but spring is definitely on its way. So get your bikes ready and your walking shoes on. For all the Romantics in Lochaber, it was William Shakespeare who said “April hath put a spirit of youth in everything”. For all you socialites out there, it was Robin Williams who said “Spring is Nature’s way of saying ‘Let’s Party’”. So get … Read more
The Last Day of Summer

In celebration of the last days of summer (i.e. the near arrival of snow) a few of us kids went up to Heather Hat in Glen Nevis and did some bouldering while BBQ-ing up some burgers, reggae reggae style of course. For those of you who don’t climb or boulder Heather Hat is giant boulder that has a covering of heather. It juts out at a rough 30 degree angle making it the perfect place for a BBQ, be it rain or shine. It also makes it the perfect place for a boulder. But beware, bring a bouldering mat if you do plan to give it a go as a fall onto the sharps rocks below could result in a … Read more
[PHOTOS] Storm & Sunset in Fort William, Lochaber

Horizontal rain. Gail force winds. Nearly being blown off the pavement walking to work. Waterproofed clothing head to toe (only making you more prone to being airborne during high gusts of wind). Winning or losing bets on whether there was going to be a power cut. Sound familiar? If you were in Fort William, or anywhere else along the West Coast of Scotland during the third week of May, then it should. For some it was a few days spent indoors with a cup of hot tea and a good book, watching from double paned windows while stairwells and waterfalls became synonymous. For others it was a day out to experience Mother Nature’s version of a good time. Here are … Read more