About Lochaber Blog
Ben Nevis and Aonach Mor Time-lapse HD Video

A week long time-lapse take from Banavie, near Fort William of Ben Nevis and Aonach Mor (Nevis Range) during June 2013. See the North Face of Ben Nevis, Carn Mhor Dearg and Aonach Mor slopes in High Definition (HD 720p) Visit our Webcam overlooking Loch Linnhe, Ben Nevis and Fort William. Download our FREE iPhone app, including details on over 1000 places to stay, eat and things to do in Fort William and Lochaber.
Ardnamurchan Point timelapse

This amazing video shows some timelapse shots taken around Ardnamurchan Point over the summer last year. There are some great views to be seen here, it’s a place well worth a visit – and the most westerly point of the British Mainland. Ardnamurchan time lapse summer 2012 from Rod J Stewart on Vimeo.
VIDEO – Another week in the life of Ben Nevis

Check out our HD Timelapse of Ben Nevis, Fort William and Loch Linnhe from March 2012. It shows a week in the life of Ben Nevis during a spell of some of the best weather we’ve had this year. Look out for the fastest tractor in the world making short work of ploughing the field! You can see the live Ben Nevis HD Webcam here
Bay of the Flies (Sailean nan Cuileag), Ardnamurchan
The bay of the flies is a natural bay between Strontian and Acharacle on the Ardnamurchan peninsula. There is a woodland walk of around half a mile that goes from the car park just off the A861 to the bay. Look out for the several wooden toadstools carved and placed along the walk!
Macavalanche Bike Race

Over the weekend the No Fuss Macavalanche Bike Race took place at Glencoe Mountain. Although it snowed a touch on Saturday, Sunday presented us with some stunning weather and some gorgeous views in all directions. The racers were all smiles as they careened their way around muddy corners and bounced through rocky ditches. The event presented everyone with the perfect reason to spend a day outside – be that time spent competing in the race or taking a quick snooze in the grass between heats. Like all other No Fuss Events, the Macavalanche was packed with lively athletes, mountain bike enthusiasts, and active supporters of No Fuss Events from around Lochaber and the rest of Scotland. The next No Fuss … Read more
The Scottish Six Days Trial – The Countdown Begins

With months still to go until the start of the 2012 London Olympic Games, Scotland can look forward to the much more imminent homecoming of a world-famous sporting event of a different kind. From 4th to 12th May 2012, nearly 300 adrenaline-seeking competitors and hoards of spectators from around the globe will flock to the Scottish Highlands for the annual extreme motorcycle-sporting holiday, the Scottish Six Days Trial (SSDT). Since the sport originated in the UK over a century ago, motorcycle trials have enjoyed a rich association with Fort William and the Lochaber region, which hosts the SSDT. ‘The Scottish’ as it is more commonly known, celebrated its 100th anniversary last May and continues to be one of the most … Read more
Spring = Sun, Sea, Sand, Stars… and Snow?!

Spring in Lochaber kicked off last week with perfect BBQ weather, road trips down to the Morar beach in Arisaig, and stargazing atop Cow Hill overlooking Lochaber. It’s no mystery that it’s been a rather short winter, something that some may mourn and others may rejoice. You wouldn’t guess it now, however, with that light snow dusting atop Nevis Range but spring is definitely on its way. So get your bikes ready and your walking shoes on. For all the Romantics in Lochaber, it was William Shakespeare who said “April hath put a spirit of youth in everything”. For all you socialites out there, it was Robin Williams who said “Spring is Nature’s way of saying ‘Let’s Party’”. So get … Read more
Guy Fawkes Fireworks

Guy Fawkes Night, the celebration of a somewhat lost patriotism and rebellion against the government, was celebrated in Lochaber by the skies alight with flying lanterns and the earth vivified with fireworks and bonfires. The fireworks display at the Banavie Rugby Club was a fantastic success with a great crowd that filled the bar inside and lined the streets outside all way down to the Moorings Hotel. At the end, the crowd dispersed out to the many mini firework displays and bonfires that were scattered around the area. The clear skies made for a fantastic moonlit evening while a thick frost descended. The warmth of a Roy Bridge Bonfire (and perhaps a spot of Ben Nevis whisky) helped warm our … Read more
Relentless 24

It has come ‘round to that rainy, windy, snowless but still pretty cold time of year but that didn’t stop more than 400 cyclists from around Scotland showing up for the NiteRider Relentless 24 Cycling Marathon organised by No Fuss Events. The event started at Nevis Range near Fort William and the track ran through the Witch’s Trails and part of the World Championship course. Some of the riders were solo and some of them in teams of two, three, or four. The main aim of No Fuss Events is to focus on the fun of participation rather than on competition. This participation includes the long hours endured by the marshals who worked for the entire 24 hours with minimal … Read more
[VIDEO] Kingairloch Highland Estate

Here’s a beautiful short film made by the lovely chaps at Linnhe Creative exploring the natural beauty of Kingairloch Highland Estate, their self catering accommodation and their fabulous Boathouse Restaurant, home to some of finest seafood and venison you’ll ever eat! “Kingairloch is a 14,000 acre Highland Estate located on the Morvern Peninsula in an unspoilt area of beauty on the West Coast of Scotland lying on the banks of Loch Linnhe. Kingairloch offers an enviable location where the mountains meet the sea creating some of the most stunning landscapes, whatever the weather may bring. The estate is also home to a wide and diverse wildlife population from the Eagles of the sky to the Red Deer grazing the hills below. … Read more